I went pro in Junior High when I traded my trumpet for a pair of drumsticks. Best decision ever. (It was loud. Mom was pretty upset.)
I entered the Jazz Performance Program, and the music bug bit me, and bit hard. I went from stage performing to working at the radio station and in the recording studio.
That was when I realized I wanted it all. I wanted to make music, but I also wanted to record and mix music as well, using my skilled ear and my creativity to shape the audio around me.
I kept in practice by playing and touring with various music groups over the years, maybe you've heard of them (maybe not). But more and more, the studio production side of my personality won out. I started taking the opportunities of engineering more seriously, and I acquired more experience behind the board (rather than behind the drum kit). I traveled the world mixing all styles of musicians on some of the world's most revered stages.
Ultimately, I expanded my ability to use evolving technology to bring audio visual elements to web design for bands, films, podcasts, and other Internet projects.
Now, from the comfort of my own cozy and well-appointed studio, I help talented people like you; singers, bands, voiceover talent, film makers, and producers. From recording, to editing and mixing, to repairing and remastering existing audio, together we can achieve the kind of results that will reach and really impact your audience.
[Above] That's a much younger me (with a full head of hair) in the heat of the action. And that's Eddie Vedder looking over my shoulder. Isn't he always?
I may have lost some hair (maybe not), but I have lost none of my passion for audio. Opening Translunar Control, and being able to work with talented artists in a controlled and intimate space, is the crowning achievement of my experience.
But I never stop learning; never stop growing as an artist. I still love sitting behind this board and hearing what you have to say, and play.
Whether I'm helping a songwriter find their sound, or a band finish a complex mix... Or precisely recording a voiceover for a film, commercial, or podcast... Or giving some personal audio tech help to a struggling artist trying to DIY... Or, just having a good ole "heart to heart" to remind you that everything is going to come out just fine... Translunar Control is a direct extension of my passion for audio.
Got an idea for a song, a podcast, a spoken-word extravaganza? Let's talk about how we can make it the best it can possibly be.